Demo : Happy Consumer International Bank (HCIB), a leading multinational organization having established branches all over the world is now starting its banking services in India. The Bank has employed you as a full time System Consultant with them. It wants to deploy a Web Service that will offer credit card validation and online banking facilities that are typically offered by all the multinational banks. The main priorities for the online banking system are reliability, availability and serviceability of the application. Additionally, the system should be highly scalable and secure as the bank expects substantial growth in the future. Consider yourself to be a part of the team that implements the credit card validation module. Develop a JAX_RPC based Web Service that exposes the boolean validateCreditCard(cardNumber) method. This method implements the logic for credit card number validation, and returns a boolean value indicating whether the card number is valid or not.
Bước 1: Tạo new project JavaWeb
Bước 2: Thêm Web Services
Bước 3: Viết code cho file web services
Test thử web services
Bước 4: Tạo new project Java
Bước 5: Thêm Web Services Client
Copy WSDL vừa test thử vào WSDL URL
Bước 5:Kéo method validateCart vào file main
Bước 6: Viết code cho file main
Kết quả
Nhận xét:
- Một web service sử dụng giao thức chuẩn mở nên có thể dùng cho nhiều client
- Dễ dàng sửa chữa web service mà không ảnh hưởng đến client
- Code kết nối client với service rất đơn giản và gọn gàng
- Tuy nhiên, ứng dụng khá chậm
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