Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 6, 2014

Web Development

  Các bước để tạo :
- New Project
- Chọn Java Web -> Web Appilication
- Chọn tên cho project , location
- Tạo Servlet

PracticeAssignment 1: Create a servlet using NetBeans to greet the user “Hi, welcome to the world of



PracticeAssignment 2-1: Create an html program to accept a name from user and display the first

name and last name on the screen using a servlet program. Use

getParameter() method to access the variables.


PracticeAssignment 2-2: Create a servlet, which displays the Remote host, Remote port,

Requested URI, Server name and server port on the screen. Use the

methods of HttpServletRequest interface.


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